• Monday, October 22, 2007


    The passage of time does little to fade love for an institution and its founding father. This piece in the NYT about the Second Avenue Deli and Abe Lebewohl is a poignant reminder of the connections that are solidified through food.

    Amplified by, explained by, grounded in...you could really use so many adjectives. This family's story will feel familiar to many immigrants' children, because the belief in education as a way up and out, to a better life is central to this family's history. So too, is their love of food and their embrace of hard work - both are also central.

    Last week I also learned of the passing of Joe Marzilli of the Old Canteen in Providence. I'm glad I got to eat there while Joe was still in residence at the register, taking phone calls, watching over the place. I won't forget the Saltimbocca or Joe.

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